Is investing money in mutual funds good or should I go for stocks? A lot of investors have become wise enough to understand that it makes sense to invest when the market is down. Most of the investors are willing to take advantage of the current economic downfall. But the biggest question is: Should we invest in mutual funds or stocks? I had a similar doubt before I did my research last year. Please read this answer till the end and you will get your answer: What if I tell you that there are high chances that around half of the companies in Nifty 50 would vanish in the next 10 years? Some of them would even go bankrupt. Shocked? Not possible? What if I tell you that this is what has happened in the last 10 years. 22 out of 50 companies in Nifty 50 in 2009 do not even exist in Nifty 50 in 2019. Yes, you heard it right. 22 companies!! What are these companies? In 2009, did you imagine that Reliance Communication would go bankrupt? Did you imagine that Suzlon would be such a b...
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