Railway Recruitment Board has notified for recruitment vacancies available for Assistant Loco Pilot and various Technician posts in different units of Indian Railways. Upto 18000 vacancies available for the post of ALP and 9000 Vacancies for the post of Technicians. The question paper includes all the relevant questions from Technical and non Technical sections: Technical section includes :Mechanical,Electrical and Civil & Non Technical includes :Chemistry,Physics,Mathematics and General aptitude along with current affairs and GK. Mechanical Type questions: 1. The amount of heat required to convert 5gms of ice at -20degree to steam at 100 degree? Ans. 3725 calories 2. Bernoullis theorem applicable to? Ans. Static fluid pressure Electrical Type questions: 1. Ampere is used to measure? Ans. Current Civil Type questions: Chemistry: 1. Which oxide of nitrogen is formed when Ammonium nitrate is heated? Ans. N2O...
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